Quite often we take the time to listen to what others have to say about us. More often than not, we only take the time to listen to the negative words that people have to say about us and quite frankly, that needs to change.
We should never let these words define us in any way, shape or form. These words are wrong; they're embarrassing and hurtful. How do we stop them? We STOP CREATING THEM. I can't tell you what to do, but you can start with changing yourself and watching what you say about others. If any of us are going to survive in this world, we've got to lift each other up, not tear each other down.
These words are glass - they CAN be destroyed, shattered, broken; they CAN be pushed aside - a word is only a word by the way in which we define it.
So here's my challenge to you: take those words, raise them high in the air and just drop them. We don't need them weighing us down and letting them keep from reaching our true potential. You cannot be defined by words, you must define yourself.
Ugly words hide the beautiful words. If you can find one word, JUST ONE, you will be so much more powerful than any of those other words that people have used to define you. Define yourself with beautiful, powerful, engaging and challenging words. Then live up to those words. Let those rude and ugly words to make you stronger. PROVE THE WORLD WRONG.
Begin with yourself - figure out the good things about yourself - ask someone you trust. If you can't find anything, you're not searching hard enough because there are so many qualities about you that people love and you might not even know it. I'm serious when I tell you to make a list. Put it somewhere that you'll see it every day. Every time you think of something, add to it. Self-confidence is so important and you should be willing to find it in yourself. I believe in you and so do others.
I wish you the best of luck on your journey in finding yourself, and if you're already on your way there, I know that you'll have the power to reach out to others around you.
Photos taken and edited by: Savanna Skinner
Written by: Savanna Skinner
Model: Abby Clyde
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